FPGA System Capabilities: ------------------------- 061714 V1.05 K.Horton The following systems have been fully emulated, 100% as best as I can tell. All games available and ROMs were tested and fully work as far as I know. Sega Master System Game Gear Colecovision NES/Famicom Atari 2600 Atari 7800 Intellivision Odyssey^2 Adventure Vision Supervision RCA Studio 2 Fairchild Channel F Videobrain Arcadia 2001 Creativision Gameboy Gameboy Colour (not 100% yet, still debugging. runs 99% of games so far) (nonvideogame things) SPC player (SNES music) Mandelbrot realtime zoom/pan/julia Details: Creativision: ------------- 2MHz 6502 CPU TMS9928/29 video 6821 port chip virtual tape player (to save/load BASIC programs) Atari 7800: ----------- 1.78MHz 6502C custom MARIA video chip TIA (only sound + paddle + firebutton supported) 6522 RIOT (RAM, controllers, console switches) POKEY extra sound chip for Ballblazer, etc. emulated Atari 2600: ----------- 1.19MHz 6502 TIA video/audio 6522 RIOT (ram, IO, timers) All mappers Pitfall 2 chip (extra audio, sprite controllers, etc) Atarivox emulation (PIC18F1320) Supercharger (Tape player game) support Supercharger demo unit support (6805 CPU) Arcadia 2001: ------------- S2650 CPU (Signetics) 2637 video/audio chip Videobrain: ----------- Fairchild F8 CPU custom UV201/UV202 chips Channel F: ---------- F8 CPU Custom Fairchild ROMs RCA Studio 2: ------------- 1802 CPU 'pixie' video circuitry Supervision: ------------ 4MHz 65C02 Custom ASIC for video/audio "high quality sound" option custom graphical bezel Adventure Vision: ----------------- 12MHz 8048 LED stick + rotating mirror display emulation Proper "greyscale like" emulation for "Code red" demo COP411 for Sound Odyssey^2: ---------- Intel 8048 Intel video chip (8244) SP0256 speech chip (for "the voice") External speech ROM (SPR128) Intellivision: -------------- CP1610 CPU Intellivoice support (SP0256) SPB640 support (speech data buffer) ECS computer support Intellicart support NES/Famicom: ------------ 1.78MHz 6502 without decimal mode video - PPU N106, VRC6, VRC7, MMC5, FME7, FDS audio support 200+ mappers (pretty much everything) Vs. game support NSF player plugin Sega Master System: ------------------- 3.579MHz Z80 All mappers supported (3 or 4) FM chip supported Zexall test passes SMS exhaustive video test ROM passes SGxxxx games work (i.e all TMS9918 video modes work) Game Gear: ---------- SMS body Supports game gear palettes, inputs, stereo Custom bezel artwork around display port Colecovision: ------------- 3.579MHz Z80 TMS9928 VDP SN76489 sound chip kevtris multicart support SPC Player: ----------- SPC700 DSP a few minor bugs, most tunes play video interface and visualizations Realtime Mandelbrot: -------------------- realtime mandelbrot zoom/pan with Julia mode 6502 core to read controllers, adjust parameters 7 core rendering engine FPGA cores designed for these projects: (CPU) 6502 65C02 Z80 Gameboy CPU SPC700 PIC18Fxxxx 68xx CP1610 8048 COP411 RCA1802 Fairchild F8 (3850) S2650 Kevrisc (video) TMS9918a/28a/29a Sega VDP (master system / game gear) NES PPU (RP2C02G) Atari TIA Intellivision STIC Intel 8244 "pixie" video system (RCA) UV201/UV202 2637 UVI MARIA (7800) bezel generator scanline doubler (audio) SN76489 (chip version, Sega version) NES APU Namco N106 Konami VRC6 Konami VRC7 (FM) MMC5 FME7 (really Sunsoft 5B) FDS audio TIA audio AY-3-8910 SP0256 speech Supervision APU SPC700 random discrete audio circuits SID w/ hardware filters POKEY Gameboy APU OPL2 OPL3 YM2413 (other) 6522 6821 UART F8 chipset serial EEPROM there are lots of others but this is a short list. Systems I wish to emulate some time in the future: -------------------------------------------------- (no particular order) 1st (gen): pong (TTL) maybe others 2nd: APF-MP1000 Atari 5200 Bally Astrocade Interon VC 4000/1292 Advanced Programmable Video System Vectrex Super Vision 8000 3rd: Casio PV-1000 4th: Neo Geo Genesis SNES Super A'Can TG-16 computers: (6502) Vic-20 C64/128 Apple 2 Atari 8 bit aquarius XT (8086) PC (286 level) (z80) spectrum MSX ZX81 (68K) amiga atari ST mac? (6809) RS colour computer arcade: robotron/kidvidz games vector games hand held: micro gameboy lynx microvision? game master (looks rare, hard to find info) gamate (rare) megaduck/cougar boy (GB hack?) game king (rare) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Frame rate Sega Master System Game Gear Colecovision NES/Famicom Atari 2600 Atari 7800 Intellivision Odyssey^2 Adventure Vision Supervision RCA Studio 2 Fairchild Channel F Videobrain Arcadia 2001 Creativision Gameboy Gameboy Colour (not 100% yet, still debugging. runs 99% of games so far)