This is one of the little tabletop "arcade" style Coleco games. It's got an HD38800A70 CPU in 42 pin DIP. The dump is in ROM order, and not polynomial PC order! i.e. the PC increments 3F, 3E, 3D, ... etc instead of the usual 00, 01, etc. The datasheet explains all this. The first 4K is the 2K words of the main program ROM, low byte first, upper 2 bits second. The last 128 words is the pattern table ROM. Not sure of clock frequency yet, but probably nominally 400KHz so 100Kips. There are a few minor interesting/odd things about this. The power/player select switch controls one of the elements directly on the VFD (see the VFD identification picture for which ones). These light up in 2 player mode but not 1 player mode. The code also stops scanning the VFD for 100ms or so when you hit an enemy to make it really bright, or your ship when you die. I thought this was kind of interesting. It simply stops scanning the grids and keeps one on for a bit while lighting up the plate of the enemy / player to make it extra bright. There's also two weird things on the circuit: 1) there is a capacitor (1uf) and resistor (22K) in parallel, which is then in series with grid #12 CPU -*---VVVV---*- grid 12 | | | | *----||----* not sure what this is for. 2) there is a very strange SCR circuit on D1 of the CPU and the feeper circuit... no clue what this is for (see the schematic)